Training Sessions
Junior Training
We will meet outside the gymnasium at ACG Strathallan, Hayfield Way, Karaka. The session is usually a combination of running and games.
Monday Night Run
The Monday night run is typically a 30-60min run at a conversational pace. I will endeavour to group you with like minded individuals who run at a similar pace. The session will take place from outside Murphy's Law, 200 Great South Road, Drury starting at 5:30PM.
Tuesday Trail Workout
We will meet near the bottom of Nyssa Place, Totara Heights. Map here
Long Hills
The planned session is Long Hill Reps up Rewa Hard, at the speed of which you would run a 10km race . The Garmin Course for the Hill Rep is here Moneghetti Fartlek The planned session is Moneghetti Fartlek, which we will complete as laps of DIC track. The structure of the fartlek is: 2x (90sec @ 5km race intensity + 90sec 10km race intensity) 4x (60sec @ 5km race intensity + 60sec 10km race intensity) 2x (30sec @ 5km race intensity + 30sec 10km race intensity) 2x (15sec @ 5km race intensity + 15sec 10km race intensity) One Kilometre Reps The planned session is a One Kilometre Reps from the Hub to the Top of Fat Man’s, then a recovery down Ronan’s Ramp back to the Hub. The reps are to be completed at the intensity of which you run a 5km race. Short Hills Reps The planned session is Short Hill Reps. These will be done on a 1min cycle, with approx. 30sec uphill at 5km race intensity and a downhill recovery. The location for the session will be the Bridle Path starting from the cattle yards. Snakes & Ladders The planned session is Snakes & Ladders. The session is an out and back (5x Uphills, 5x Downhills) on Tom, Dick & Harry with the uphills working at a 5km race intensity and the downhills at a conversational pace focused on great descending technique. Map of the route here Steady State The planned session is a Threshold Steady State at 10km race intensity. This will be done on a 1.05km loop ( along the Puhinui Stream. Half in the open through the Dog Walking Area, half in the Native Bush. Time Trial The planned session is a 6km Trail Time Trial on Gutsa & DIC to be run at maximum intensity. The Garmin Course for the time trial (two laps) is here Two Minute Hills The 10 x hill reps are to be run at 5km race intensity based on heart rate and relative perceived exertion approximately an 8-9 out of 10. Two Thousand Reps The planned session is Two Thousand metre repeats at 10km race intensity. These will be done out and back along Scrubber Track, with 3min conversational paced jog in between reps. Garmin Course for the rep is here 1234 Fartlek The structure of the session is 1min Interval, 1min Float (Threshold), 2min Interval, 2min Float, 3min Interval, 3min Float, 4min Interval, 4min Float, 3min Interval, 3min Float, 2min Interval, 2min Float, 1min Interval, 1min Float. ( Interval intensity is the intensity of which you would run a 5km race. Threshold intensity is 10km race intensity. |
Thursday Track Session
The session will take place at Massey Park Athletic Track from 6:00-7:30PM. We will meet and greet upstairs in the Papakura Athletic & Harrier Clubrooms, Massey Park, Ron Keat Drive, Papakura. You can access the clubrooms from the red door at the southern end of the facility, or via the northern entrance between the pool and the track.
Eight Hundreds
We will split you into small groups and you will run a series of 800m reps at 5km race intensity with a 400m jog in between. Fartlek The planned session is a fartlek session. Fartlek is a Swedish term meaning speed play. Lisa and I will guide you through the session with a whistle. You will use 5km race intensity and 10km race intensity during the session.The main body of the session will be 30min. The exact structure will be kept secret. Four Hundreds The plan is Four Hundreds. We will split you into small groups and you will run a series of Four Hundreds at 5km race intensity with a 400m jog in between. HIIT The planned session is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session. The basic structure of this session is 60 x (8 sec Sprint + 12 sec Jog) for seniors, and 30 x (8 sec Sprint + 12 sec Jog) for juniors. One Minute Reps The planned session is One Minute Reps. These will be at 3km race intensity. You will complete 10 – 15 reps. The first rep will start on a stagger behind the finish line, and finish at the 200m mark. The second rep will start on a stagger behind the 200m mark and finish at the track finish. Progression v.2.0 You will run in a group, and every 800m the pace will get 15sec/km faster until you can not go any faster. Those in Groups 10-15 will start at 7:30min/km. Those in Groups 7-9 will start at 6:30min/km. Those in Groups 1-6 will start at 5:45min/km. Six Hundreds The planned session is Six Hundreds. The 600m reps will be run at 5km race intensity in smaller groups with a 400m recovery. Track Ladder The planned session is a Track Ladder. The intensity of the efforts will be 5km race intensity, with the distance getting longer, and then shorter as you work your way up, and down the ladder. You will have a 400m conversational pace recovery between efforts. Track Testing You will complete an 8min test, with the goal being to run as far and as fast as possible. You will also complete a 60m sprint test. |
Saturday Session
There will be a number of different sessions happening depending on your individual needs.
Barry Curtis
The session will take place at Barry Curtis Park, Flat Bush from 8:00-9:30AM. Barry Curtis Park is located at Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush. Colin Lawrie The session will take place at Colin Lawrie Fields, Pukekohe from 8:00-9:30AM. Colin Lawrie Fields are located behind the Pukekohe Rugby Club, Reynolds Road, Pukekohe. Map here We will meet by the playground at the far end of the carpark. Cornwall Park The session will take place at Cornwall Park from 8:00-9:30AM. We will meet at the carpark outside Cornwall Park Cafe, on Pohutakawa Drive (by the sunken roundabout). Jellicoe Park The session will take place at Jellicoe Park, Manurewa from 8:00-9:30AM. Lloyd Elsmore The session will take place at Lloyd Elsmore Athletic Track, Cascades Road, Pakuranga from 8:00-9:30AM. We will meet on the track, outside the gear shed. Massey Park The session will take place at Massey Park Athletic Track from 8:00-9:30AM. We will meet on the track at Massey Park, Ron Keat Drive, Papakura. Omana Park The session will take place at Omana Park, Omana Road, Papatoetoe from 8:00-9:30AM. Pulman Park The session will take place at Pulman Park, Kuaka Drive, Takanini from 8:00-9:30AM. We will meet outside the Gymsport Pavilion. |
Sunday Long Run
The session is a long conversational pace run at a varying location.
The run will start and finish from Ardmore Hall, 177 Burnside Road, Ardmore. Map here Auranga The planned session is an conversational pace run around Auranga, on a 4.3km loop that can be extended to a 7.8km loop. 4.3km Loop: 7.8km Loop: The run will start and finish at Drury Football Club, Victoria Street, Drury. Map here Clevedon The run will start and finish outside the Clevedon Co-Op on the corner of Monument Road & Papakura-Clevedon Road, Clevedon. There are currently road works taking place on Papakura-Clevedon Road, so you will likely need to park on Monument Road. Map here Drury Hills Jesmond Auranga Loop. 7.9km. Jesmond Drury Hills. 14.7km. Jesmond Drury Hills Ramarama. 18.6km. Red Shed Palazzo, 16 Jesmond Road, Drury at 7:00AM. Map Highbrook The planned session is an conversational pace run on a 9km loop around Highbrook. The loop is a combination of gravel and road. Loop: The run will start and finish at the end of Waiouru Road, Highbrook. The best address to use is 55 Waiouru Road. Map here Hunua Upper Mangatawhiri The intended route is the River Track & Moumoukai Farm Track. This is approximately 16km. Pulman Park The session will take place at Pulman Park, Kuaka Drive, Takanini from 8:00-9:30AM. We will meet outside the Gymsport & Recreation Centre. Runciman/Ramarama The run will start and finish at 21 Ararimu Road, Ramarama. This is the carpark between Parklands Suprette & Pearce Brothers car yard. The planned session is an conversational pace run on a 10km loop around Ramarama. The route is here: Totara Park The planned session is an conversational pace run around Totara Park. I suggest an 8km loop (map below), though within reason groups can go wherever they like. The run will start and finish at the end of Wairere Road, The Gardens. The best address to use for Google Maps is 89 Wairere Road, The Gardens. Map here: Wattle Downs The session will start and finish from Kauri Point Reserve, at the end of Moor Park, Wattle Downs. Run Route: - 8.2km Coastal Loop - 7.4km Road Loop |