Zach O’Dwyer is a young talent who trains under a combination of TTT Runners and James Kuegler Coaching. In 2022 Zach finished 10th at the NZ Secondary School Cross Country Championships and in the process secured a place in the NZSSAA team to compete at the Australian Cross Country Championships. Zach also has an impressive list of track times.
Prior to working with James Kuegler, Zach was a relatively inexperienced runner without a huge idea of what he needed to be doing to get the best out of his body. With James’ assistance he has accelerated his progress to a standard he may not have previously imagined possible. Alongside the huge performance gains, Zach explains that some of the biggest gains he has made are in his understanding of the sport and the body. Zach enjoys the flexibility and openness in being able to bounce around ideas and try new methods in a controlled and productive manner.
Funnily enough, Zach points out that his favourite session on the TTT rotation is the 1km reps - one that many say is more gruelling than enjoyable. However when you’re running at a high level, those two things often go hand in hand. Zach enjoys the company and opportunity to explore several new and exciting locations around the southern parts of Auckland that are afforded by Sunday TTT runs.
Prior to working with James Kuegler, Zach was a relatively inexperienced runner without a huge idea of what he needed to be doing to get the best out of his body. With James’ assistance he has accelerated his progress to a standard he may not have previously imagined possible. Alongside the huge performance gains, Zach explains that some of the biggest gains he has made are in his understanding of the sport and the body. Zach enjoys the flexibility and openness in being able to bounce around ideas and try new methods in a controlled and productive manner.
Funnily enough, Zach points out that his favourite session on the TTT rotation is the 1km reps - one that many say is more gruelling than enjoyable. However when you’re running at a high level, those two things often go hand in hand. Zach enjoys the company and opportunity to explore several new and exciting locations around the southern parts of Auckland that are afforded by Sunday TTT runs.